About us

HealU is a Medical & Lifestyle Tech company


In this day and age, an issue which has made itself very common in health, fitness and everyday life is the generalisation of information. Having incomplete information without data to back it has made it a lot more difficult for individuals to meet their health targets.

Due to increased reliance on inadequate sources of information, we founded HealU to give you greater autonomy over your health through quality data, better access to reliable information. We promote a proactive use of your data to maximise the effectiveness and likelihood of success in whichever plan you choose to undertake.

A Solution to a Health Problem

People are oversaturated with vast amounts of information, much of which is unfounded and misleading. This makes it harder for you to reach your desired targets.

While fitness experts and doctors have extensive knowledge and experience, their effectiveness is only as strong as the information they receive regarding your condition and targets. HealU dramatically improves this effectiveness by providing statistically significant results to our practitioners which maximise the use of their experience and knowledge.

We believe everyone is special and unique. So, we only provide exclusive and unique plans for you.